Available date: Date the Item is available for Sale (MM/DD/YYYY)

Base part no: Link this to another part number if this part is a configuration or option, like 123-BLK, 123-RED, etc.

Brand: Brand name corresponding with Brand ID found in the Auto Care maintained Parent/Supplier/Brand Code Registry

Category: Maintained by the Auto Care Association within the Part Classification database (PCdb)

Category: The product category code is maintained by the Auto Care Association Category Management Committee

Container type: Describes the packaging for this item

Core class: Indicates which Core Class for core returns this item belongs in. The Core Class is maintained at the Global account level

Core group: Indicates which Core Group for core returns this item belongs in. The Core Group is maintained at the Global account level

Core return days to expiry: Indicates the days within which the core can be returned without penalty. Days of Expiry is maintained at the Global account level

Distance units of measure: Units of measure for warranty distance

Effective date: Date the Item is available for purchase at the current price levels (MM/DD/YYYY)

Emission code: Indicates if this product is legal for use in the U.S. including California, off-road only, or legal for use in U.S. excluding California

GTIN: Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) can be used by a company to uniquely identify all of its trade items. The GTIN number can be based on Universal Product Code (UPC) or International Article Number (EAN).

Hazardous: Yes or No if product contains hazardous material

Item quantity: Clarifies the sizing level for the item

Lifecycle status: Indicates this parts current stage in the release cycle

Minimum order quantity: Minimum (incremental) shipment quantity of this item

National popularity code: Indicates the product velocity (i.e., days or weeks a product stays in warehouse inventory before being sold)

OEM brand: The name of the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)

OEM Part no: If applicable, indicates the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) part number for this item

Old part no: The old part number for this item

Original supplier name: The name of the original supplier

Original supplier part number: If applicable, indicates the Original Supplier part number for this item

Part ID: Maintained by the Auto Care Association within the Part Classification database (PCdb)

Part no: Manufacturer's determined part number

Part no. superseded to: The superseded to part number for this item

Part type: Also known as part terminology, maintained by the Auto Care Association within the Part Classification database (PCdb)

Product group: Indicates which Product Group this item belongs in. The Product Group is maintained at the Global account level

Product sub group: Indicates which Product SubGroup this item belongs in. The Product SubGroup is maintained at the Global account level

Qualifier: This is a user-defined qualifier for quantity per application. Maintenance is at the Global account level

Quantity per application: Typical quantity used on a single vehicle fitment or application

Refurbished part: Indicates whether this item is refurbished or not

Remanufactured part: Indicates whether this item is remanufactured or not

Return code: Indicates the return code for the core part number

Special units of measure: If applicable, indicates units of measure for the special warranty condition for this item

Sub Brand: Sub Brand name corresponding with Sub Brand ID in the Auto Care maintained Parent/Supplier/Brand Code Registry

Sub category: Maintained by the Auto Care Association within the Part Classification database (PCdb)

Taxable: Indicates whether this product is taxable or not

Time units of measure: If applicable, indicates the units of measure for the time limit covered for this item under warranty

Units of measure: Indicates the unit of measure for the sizing level of the item

Units of measure: Unit of measure for the minimum shipment quantity

Units of measure: Unit of measure for the quantity used on a single vehicle fitment or application

UNSPSC code: Maintained by GS1, the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) is numeric value for use in eCommerce

UPC/EAN Code: A 12 digit number identifying the manufacturers shipping unit. The code division is 2-5-5. Its qualifier is UA The code is formatted as: 2 digit number system character(U.S. Grocery and General Merchandise=00,06 or 07; US Drug=03)(EAN=2 digit country flag); 5 digit manufacturing identification number; 5 digit item number

Vehicle fitments: YES if this item has vehicle fitments (ACES applications) or NO if this item is universal

VMRS code: The Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standard description (VMRS) is part of the American Trucking Associations structured coding system

Warranty distanceIf applicable, indicates the distance limit covered for this item under warranty 

Warranty special: If applicable, indicates the special warranty condition for this item

Warranty time: If applicable, indicates the time limit covered for this item under warranty